Det Mission
  DET is to provide dedicate resources with total solutions that contains high international standards and codes starting from scratch design to the life support criteria.DET seeks to combine efforts to develop comprehensive solutions that exceed customer expectations.
about det
We take pleasure in presenting our company Profile for undertaking Projects to enhance and support our in-house capabilities with professional management, staff and new technology tools .We will provide a professional service, which exceeds the expectation of our prestigious customers.

DET offers professional service with the highest technical

Standards strong management and dedicated, well qualified staff to provide solutions to all the materials and lab our necessary to procure the goal.
company values
  • Commitment with excellence
  • Passion for customers and partners
  • Openness and respectfulness
  • Exceed expectation
  • Innovate for the future
  • Accountability for commitments ,results and quality

We at (DET) provide total services to our customers be in services, design or consultancy
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